Bash find & replace using regex pipe

Bash Find & Replace

Find & replace using regex on the command line using perl.

perl -pe "s/find/replace/g"

Parentheses for grouping and capturing is also supported.

$ echo "myfile.txt" | perl -pe "s/(.*)\.txt/\1.log/"
$ find=".*(\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/.*"
$ replace="year: \1; month: \2; day: \3"
$ echo "" | perl -pe "s/${find}/${replace}/"
year: 2014; month: 04; day: 28

1 comment

  1. anonymous

    For group replacements, use $1, $2, etc.

    perl -pe 's/(\d+).*/\1/g'

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