Clipboard Plaintext; Copy Plaintext to Clipboard; ClipPut(); AutoIt

AutoIt: Put plaintext in clipboard using Ctrl + Shift + C.

#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>

; AutoIt Code:
$gui = GUICreate('', 500, 300, 0, 0)

; input that will receive richtext clipboard data
$input_clipboard = GuiCtrlCreateInput('my hidden input', 0, 0, 0, 0)

; copy plaintext to clipboard: ctrl+shift+c (normal copy to clipboard ctrl+c)
HotKeySet('^+c', 'ClipPutPlainText') ; ctrl+shift+c

; replaces richtext in clipboard with plaintext
Func ClipPutPlainText()
    ; set input value to whatever is currently in clipboard
    GUICtrlSetData($input_clipboard, ClipGet())
    ; put plaintext data in clipboard

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
This script basically does the same thing as pasting your clipboard into notepad and then copying it back into the clipboard. More useful hotkeys:


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