jQuery select option using text value $.text()

To select an option by searching for the option's text value, use the :contains selector use the filter method.

// Select the option using the option's exact text value
var selectOptionText = "Baz";
$("#select-1").find("option").filter(function(index) {
    return selectOptionText === $(this).text();
}).attr("selected", "selected");

As of jQuery 1.6, use $.prop() instead of $.attr().

var selectOptionText = "wobble";
$("#select-2").find("option").filter(function(index) {
    return selectOptionText === $(this).text();
}).prop("selected", "selected");
<!doctype html>
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<!-- Example 1 -->
<select id="select-1">
    <option>Select an option...</option>
    <option value="1">Foo</option>
    <option value="2">Bar</option>
    <option value="3">Baz</option>

// Select the option using the option's exact text value
var selectOptionText = "Baz";
$("#select-1").find("option").filter(function(index) {
    return selectOptionText === $(this).text();
}).attr("selected", "selected");
<!-- /Example 1 -->

<!-- Example 2 -->
<select id="select-2">
    <option>Pick a different option...</option>
    <option value="5">Wibble</option>
    <option value="6">wobble</option>
    <option value="7">wubble</option>
    <option value="8">flob</option>

// Select the option using the option's exact text value
var selectOptionText = "wobble";
$("#select-2").find("option").filter(function(index) {
    return selectOptionText === $(this).text();
}).prop("selected", "selected");
// NOTE: As of jQuery 1.6, use the $.prop() method to retrieve property values because $.attr() only retrieves attributes.
<!-- /Example 2 -->



  1. anonymous

    :contains is not ideal, consider some of the values might be cintained within others.Eg, if you got an option with "bble" as text and you want the id,

    @$("select:last").find("option:contains('bble')").prop("selected", "selected") will return more than one

  2. anonymous

    click the option value change to provide new value

  3. anonymous

    Thanks :D

  4. anonymous

    Contains returns all the options which contain the searched string. It is not an exact match.

  5. anonymous

    Examples have been updated! Use the $.filter() method for an exact match.

  6. anonymous

    thanks a lot!

    i just find my old selector "option[text='s3']" does not work.

  7. anonymous

    nice :)

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