Clear Private Data In Firefox WITHOUT the "Clear Recent History" Dialog Window; Clear Recent History
UPDATE: Sanitisminau will clear your history WITHOUT asking. 2: Clear private data with alert notification (and without asking):
1. Save the addon using the link above (right click and "Save Link As").
2. Open addon-5364-latest.xpi in an archive manager (like File Roller).
3. Edit addon-5364-latest.xpi/chrome/sanitisminau.jar/content/sanitisminau.js
4. Replace the code with:
var Sanitisminau ={ onLoad:function(){ document.getElementById("Tools:Sanitize").setAttribute("oncommand","Sanitisminau.goansanitismi();"); document.getElementById("sanitizeItem").setAttribute("hidden",true); },
goansanitismi:function(){ var alertService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAlertsService); var s =new Sanitizer(); s.range= Sanitizer.getClearRange(); s.ignoreTimespan=false; s.prefDomain="privacy.cpd."; try{ s.sanitize(); alertService.showAlertNotification(null,"Success","Private Data Cleared!",false,"",null); } catch(er){ alertService.showAlertNotification(null,"ERROR", er,false,"",null); } } };
5. Install the addon you updated. Type something like file:///home/user/Downloads/addon-5364-latest.xpi (or wherever you saved the addon) into the Firefox url bar and a software installation confirmation will appear. Click "Install Now" after the count down. Restart Firefox.
To clear private data in Firefox without the confirmation window, do the following:
1. Install Keyconfig.
2. Add a new key named Clear Private Data.
3. Add the following code:
function getScript(scriptName, callback){ var gXMLHttpRequest; gXMLHttpRequest =new XMLHttpRequest(); gXMLHttpRequest.onload= function(e){ evalScript(gXMLHttpRequest.responseText, callback); };"GET","chrome://browser/content/"+ scriptName); gXMLHttpRequest.send(null); }
var alertService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAlertsService); getScript("sanitize.js", function(){ try{ var s =new Sanitizer(); s.prefDomain="privacy.cpd."; s.sanitize(); alertService.showAlertNotification(null,"Success","Private Data Cleared!",false,"",null); } catch(er){ alertService.showAlertNotification(null,"ERROR", er,false,"",null); } } );
4. Set your preferred hotkey. Something like Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Del.
5. Open a new window for the new hotkey to work. Press the hotkey you set and a notification in the corner will appear.
no worky for 3.6
Use the Sanitisminau Firefox extension to clear your history without asking
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